

单词 stop
释义 stop /stɒp; NAmE stɑːp/


[] (-pp-) to prevent money from being paid止付We paid for the goods but stopped the cheque (= told the bank not to pay it) when they didn't arrive.我们支付了货款,但考虑到没有到货,我们通知银行止付了支票。if you stop an account, you do not supply goods or services to a particular customer, usually because they have not paid for the goods and services they have received停止供货 ˌstop ˈby ˌstop ˈby sthto make a short visit somewhere短暂停留;逗留Hundreds of people stop by the store for a browse at lunchtime.午饭期间有几百人来这家商店闲逛。ˌstop ˈoffto make a short visit to a place while going somewhere else中途停留I stopped off at the bank on my way home.在回家的路上我去了趟银行。ˌstop ˈoverto stay somewhere for a short time during a long journey暂留We stopped over in Paris on the way to Hong Kong.在前往香港的途中我们在巴黎稍作停留。 stopover





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