

单词 write
释义 write /raɪt/


(wrote /rəʊt/, written /ˈrɪtn/) [] to produce a document, an article or a piece of software写;书写We wrote a business plan for the new company.我们为这家新公司编写了商业计划。He writes about/on business and social issues.他撰写有关商业和社会问题的文章。She writes for the ‘Times’.她为《泰晤士报》撰稿。to write code/applications/software/programs编写代码/应用程序/软件/程序 [] to put a request or some information in a letter or an email and send it to sb写信I am writing to inform you that your application has been accepted.兹去函通知阁下,您的申请已获接受。I have written a memo to senior management.我给高级管理人员写了备忘录。She sent them a letter of complaint but they didn't write back. 她给他们寄了一封投诉信,但他们没有回复。 [] write sth (out) (for sb) | write sb (out) sth to complete a cheque or other form with the necessary information开(支票);填写(表格)I wrote (out) a cheque for €100.我开了一张 100 欧元的支票。He wrote me a receipt.他给我开了一张收据。 () [] write sth to sth to transfer or copy information from a computer's memory to sth that stores it in a more permanent form存入,写入(将信息输入存贮器)to write data to a disk/file将数据写入磁盘/文件   idiom at worth adj. ˌwrite sth ˈback
() (usually be written back) to include an item in a company's accounts that had deliberately not been included before, when calculating the company's profits拨回;恢复资产的账面价值The customer made a definite promise to pay, so the debt could now be written back.顾客已明确答应付款,因此这笔欠款现在可以拨回。 write-back
ˌwrite sth ˈdownto write sth on paper, especially in order to remember or record it写下;记录下Write down all the specifications of your computer before phoning the help desk.在给服务台打电话之前,写下计算机的各项规格。 () to reduce the value of an asset in a company's accounts减记,划减(资产的账面价值)The company will write down the value of its property assets by $414 million.这家公司将减记 4.14 亿元的不动产账面价值。 write-down OPP write sth up ˌwrite sth ˈoff (often be written off) () to reduce the value of an asset in a company's accounts over a period of time注销,销记(资产的账面价值)Goodwill was written off over 5 years.商誉分 5 年注销。The machinery was written off against profits (= the cost of the machinery was taken away from the profits, in order to pay less tax).机器的成本已从利润中注销。 SYN depreciate amortize () to remove a debt from a company's accounts because the money cannot be collected; to remove an asset that has no value注销,销记(资产账面价值)The bank expects to write off bad loans (= loans made by the bank that were not paid back) of $8 billion.银行希望注销 80 亿元的不良贷款。 () () to accept that sth is so badly damaged that it cannot be repaired报废The car was written off.这辆汽车报废了。 write-off , total verbˌwrite sth ˈupto record sth in writing in a full and complete form, often using notes that you made earlier(利用笔记等)详细记载to write up the minutes of a meeting详细记录会议 write-up () () to increase the value of an asset in a company's accounts or give it a value that is too high增记(资产的账面价值) write-up OPP write sth down




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