

单词 buyer
释义 buyer /ˈbaɪə(r)/


[] a person or company that buys sth, especially something valuable like a business or a home买主;买方The company is trying to find a buyer for its toiletries business.公司正试图找到一位购买其洗漱用品业务的买主。A majority of car buyers browse the Internet for information.大多数的汽车买主浏览互联网查找信息。 purchaser possible / potential / prospective buyers可能的/潜在的/未来的买主 car / computer / home buyers汽车/计算机/房子买主 the person or company that buys sth, rather than the person who sells it (the seller)买方foreign exchange brokers who link buyers and sellers of foreign currency为买卖外汇的双方牵线搭桥的外汇经纪人 () a person in a company who chooses the goods, equipment or materials that the company buys采购员;办货员He works as a buyer for a department store.他是一家百货商店的采购员。 buyer beˈware ( let the buyer beˈware)
() used to say that when you are buying something it is your responsibility to check that there is nothing wrong with what you are buying买者自负;买者当心(货物出门概不退换,买主须自行当心)‘Buyer beware’ is the meaning of the Latin phrase ‘caveat emptor’.buyer beware 是拉丁语短语 caveat emptor 的意思。
materials buyer target buyers trade buyer




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