

单词 charge
释义 charge /tʃɑːdʒ; NAmE tʃɑːrdʒ/


[, ] the amount of money that sb asks for goods or services; the amount of money that you pay regularly for a service(商品或服务所收取的)价钱,费用bank/interest/telephone charges银行手续费;利息费用;电话费a charge of $50收费 50 元a $50 charge50 元的收费They are going to introduce charges for special deliveries.他们准备收取特别运费。There's no charge for the service.这项服务免费。You can download the software free of charge (= without paying for it).你可以免费下载这软件。 fee   see note at price to impose / introduce / levy / make / waive a charge (for sth)征收/实行征收/征收/收取/免收(某项)费用 an additional / a fixed charge附加/固定费用 () [] a large cost that a company has to pay, which affects its financial results(公司必须支付的)大笔费用(BrE) a one-off charge一次性收费(NAmE) a one-time charge一次性收费The company said it would take (= pay) a $280 million charge to cover two new acquisitions.公司表示会花 2.8 亿元来支付两个新的收购项目。an exceptional / a one-off / special charge例外的/一次性的/特别的收费 () [, ] a formal claim that sb has committed a crime or done sth wrong指控;控告No criminal charges will be brought against the company directors.公司董事将不会被刑事起诉。After a few hours, she was released without charge.几个小时后,她被无罪释放。The manager has rejected the charge of favouritism.经理否认了偏袒的指控。to bring / file / lay / press charges (against sb)指控(某人) to admit / deny a charge/the charges承认/否认指控 [] responsibility for a group of people, a job or a task(对人、工作、任务所负的)责任Nokia's vice-president in charge of Internet security products负责互联网安全产品的诺基亚公司副总裁The profits have improved sharply since she took charge as chief executive.自从她担任总裁以来,利润已大幅度上升。Who's in charge here?这儿由谁负责?   see note at responsibility charge on assets accrued charge bank charge carrying charge cover charge finance charge floating charge landing charge restructuring charge reverse-charge sales charge service charge termination charge





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