

单词 copyright
释义 copyright /ˈkɒpiraɪt; NAmE ˈkɑːp-/


[, ] the right to be the only person who may publish, broadcast, make copies of, etc. an original piece of work, such as a book, film/movie or computer program and give other people permission to use it or any part of it版权;著作权This software is protected by copyright.这个软件受版权保护。The publisher has the copyright on all his books.出版者拥有他所有书籍的版权。Copyright expires seventy years after the death of the author.版权在作者去世七十年后期满失效。It is an infringement of copyright to photocopy a book.复印书是一种侵犯版权的行为。to have / hold / own / retain copyright in/on sth对某物有/持有/拥有/保留版权 a breach of / an infringement of copyright违反/侵害版权 the copyright holder / owner版权持有者/拥有者 be in / out of / under copyright受/不受/受版权保护 copyright / patent / trademark <chn/>Copyright 版权If you produce an original piece of work such as a book or computer program, you own the copyright on it. This gives you the right to stop other people from copying the work without permission. 创作性作品,如一本书或一套电脑程序,均拥有版权(copyright)。他人未经许可不得复制作品内容。The right is created automatically—you do not need to apply to the authorities. 版权自动获得,无须向有关部门申请。The © symbol is used to remind people that the work is copyright. It is not a legal requirement. 可用版权符号 © 提示该著作是版权作品,但这并非法定要求。Patent 专利If you design a new product, device or method, for example a new medicine, you can apply for a patent. The patent gives you a limited period of time, usually 20 years, in which to sell the invention without other people copying it. 如果设计出新的产品、装置或方法,例如一种新药,可以申请专利(patent)。在专利权的有效保护期限中,通常是 20 年,专利权人享有出售发明而不被他人复制的权利。Trademarks 商标If you have a unique name or symbol that you use for your products, you can apply to register it as a trademark. 如果产品上使用独特的名称或符号,就可以将其申请注册为商标(trademark)。Once a trademark has been registered, other people cannot use it in connection with similar products. 商标一经注册,他人不得再将其用于同类产品上。The ® and ™ symbols are used to show that a trademark is protected. 注册和商标符号 ® 和 ™ 用于表明该商标受到法律保护。 patent





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