[] () (NAmEline) a line of people, cars, etc. waiting to do sth(人、汽车等的)队,行列◆There were queues at all the check-outs.所有的收款台都排起了长队。 () (NAmEline) a large number of people who want to do or have sth长队;很多人◆There will be a queue of buyers for the company.会有很多人希望收购这家公司。 () a list of jobs that a computer has to do in a particular order(计算机执行任务的)队列◆Your work is not printed immediately but is sent to the print queue.你的工作任务没有立即打印,而是被发往打印队列。if your call is being held in a queue, a number of other calls will be dealt with before your call is answered(电话等待呼叫的)队列◆Thank you for holding—your call is in a queue.谢谢你不挂断电话 ── 你的电话在等待队列中。●at the front/back of the ˈqueueamong the first or the last people to do sth or have sth排在最前面/后面◆If a business goes bust, equity investors are at the back of the queue.如果企业倒闭,股票投资者将最后得到清偿。dole queue