

单词 agreement
释义 agreement /əˈgriːmənt/


[] an arrangement, a promise or a contract that two people, groups or organizations have made together协议;协定;协议书An agreement was finally reached between management and employees.劳资双方最终达成了协议。They had made a verbal agreement to sell.他们达成了口头销售协议。The agreement (= the document recording the agreement) was signed during the meeting.这协议书是在会议上签订的。The company has just announced a partnership agreement with a software producer.公司刚刚宣布了一项与软件生产商的合伙协议。to conclude / make / reach / sign an agreement达成协议;签署协定 a formal / an informal / a legal / verbal / written agreement正式/非正式/法律/口头/书面协议 [; ] the state of having the same opinion; a state of understanding between people, organizations or countries一致(人、组织或国家的意见或看法)The Board was in complete agreement about the need to review the budget.董事会完全同意需要对预算进行复审。The two sides failed to reach agreement.双方没有取得一致意见。to reach agreement取得一致意见 to arrive at / come to an agreement达成一致意见 broad / complete / general / total agreement大致/完全/普遍/全部同意 collective agreement framework agreement gentleman's agreement heads of agreement licence agreement purchase agreement repurchase agreement sales agreement service agreement service level agreement standstill agreement tolling agreement trade agreement voluntary restraint agreement agreement / arrangement / contract / deal / deed <chn/>These words are used to describe agreements between companies or between people and companies. 这些词都用来指公司之间或个人与公司之间达成的协议。Agreement and arrangement tend to be used about business relationships that last over a long period of time. * agreement 和 arrangement 用于指长期的商业关系a worldwide marketing agreement 全球营销协议a financing arrangement 融资协议Deal usually describes an agreement to buy or sell sth. * deal 通常指买卖交易They've secured a €5 million deal to supply computer equipment. 他们获得了一笔价值 500 万欧元的供应电脑设备的生意。Agreement, arrangement and deal are also used to describe an agreement that is reached through much discussion. * agreement、arrangement 和 deal 还用于指多次商谈达成的协议They came to an arrangement with their bank to repay the debt over 5 years. 他们和银行达成协议,在 5 年内偿还债务。We are close to reaching a deal. 我们即将达成交易。Contract is normally used about agreements contained in formal legal documents. * contract 通常指以正式的法律文件形式存在的协议She broke the terms of her employment contract. 她违反了聘用合同的条款。A deed is a special type of written contract that is used in limited circumstances. * deed 是少数情况下使用的一种特殊的书面合同The owner of the land is indicated in the title deeds. 土地所有者在地契中已注明。a deed of partnership 合伙契约




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