

单词 disposal
释义 disposal /dɪˈspəʊzl; NAmE -ˈspoʊ-/


[, ] the sale of part of a business, property, etc.(企业、财产等的)出售;清理;让与the disposal of the company's chemical services division这公司化学服务部门的出售The disposal is expected to raise around $50 m.出售这项资产预计可以筹集到约 5 000 万元。The sale is part of an asset disposal to shore up the company's finances.这项拍卖是出售资产的一部分,用以支撑公司旳财政。 [] the act of getting rid of sth that you do not want or cannot keep处理;清理Disposal of industrial waste is a serious problem.工业废料的清理是一个严重的问题。waste disposal废料清理 at sb's disˈposalavailable for sb to use随某人自由处理;由某人随意支配Larger companies have larger resources at their disposal.大公司拥有更多可自己支配的资源




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