

单词 earn
释义 earn /ɜːn; NAmE ɜːrn/


[] to get money for work that you do挣得;赚取;挣钱She earned about €40 000 last year in pay and bonuses.她去年的工资和奖金加起来大约 4 万欧元。You will earn a basic salary of $2 000 a month.你的底薪是每月 2 000 元。He earns a living from selling second-hand books.他靠销售二手书为生。She must earn a fortune (= earn a lot of money)!她一定发了大财!I only have to pay back the loan when I start earning.只有当我开始赚钱时,才须要偿还贷款。to earn a fee / an income / a salary / wage赚取费用/收入/薪金/工资 to earn money赚钱 to earn a bonus / raise / rise赚取奖金;获得提薪 [] to obtain money from business activities(从商业活动中)赢利,赚钱In the last quarter the company earned $1.16 billion, or 47 cents a share.这家公司在最后一个季度赢利 11.6 亿元,或每股赚了 47 分。The firm earns most of its money from renting out property.这家公司的大部分收入来自出租房产。There are special tax rates on income earned from exports.对出口收入使用特殊税率。to earn an income / a profit / return赚取收入/利润/收益 to earn income / money / profits / revenue(s)赚取收入/金钱/利润/收益 [] to get money as a profit or interest on money that you invest, lend, etc.生(利);获(利)How much interest do you earn on your savings?你的存款赚了多少利息?The shares earned a 17% return.股票的回报率为 17%。to earn interest赚取利息 to earn a dividend / return赚取股息/收益 [] to get a benefit because you buy sth from a particular shop/store, etc. or use a particular credit card获益(在某商店购物或使用某种信用卡而得到好处)Shoppers will be able to earn points on all credit-card purchases.购物者使用信用卡的所有消费均可获得积分。 ˌearn your ˈkeepto be worth the amount of time or money that is being spent值得所花的时间(或金钱)He felt he no longer deserved such a high salary. He just wasn't earning his keep.他认为自己不能再拿那么高的薪水。他根本不配拿那么多钱。




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