

单词 a/c
释义 account /əˈkaʊnt/


[] ( a/c) an arrangement that sb has with a bank or building society to keep money there and take some out账户I would like to open a business account.我想开立企业账户。We have an account with / at Barclays.我们在巴克莱银行开了账户。I paid the cheque into my bank account.我把支票存入我的银行账户。to close / have / hold / open an account结清/拥有/保留/开立账户 to pay / put sth into an account把…记入/存入某账户 to take sth out of / withdraw sth from an account从某账户提取 to credit / debit an account贷记/借记账 () (BrE also ˈcredit acˌcount) (NAmE also ˈcharge acˌcount) an arrangement with a shop/store or business to pay bills for goods or services at a later time, for example in regular amounts every month赊购;赊销账;赊欠账We have an account with a taxi firm.我们和出租车公司实行赊购制。Most customers settle their account in full (= pay all the money they owe) at the end of each month.大部分顾客每月底结清账目。Please charge it to (= record the cost to be paid on) my account.请记入我的账户。The amount now due on your account is $364.27.你的到期账款是 364.27 元。to close / have / hold / open an account结清/拥有/保留/开立账户 to settle an account结账 to charge sth to / put sth on an account记入账户 () a statement of money paid, received or owed over a period of time账目You will need to keep an account of your expenses.你的开支需要记账。an itemized account明细账 accounts () a regular customer who does a lot of business with a company, especially a company working in advertising, marketing or public relations (尤指广告、营销或公关公司的)老主顾the agency's pitch for the Pepsi account代理商为百事可乐老客户所做的推销宣传a sales rep who's chasing a million-dollar account追求拥有百万元老客户的销售代表to chase / land / lose / pitch for / win an account追求/成功得到/失去/争取/赢得客户 () an arrangement that sb has with a company that allows them to use the Internet or to receive, store and send emails(使用互联网收发电子邮件的)账户,账号You will need to set up an account with an Internet Service Provider.你需要跟互联网服务供应商开立一个账户。to get / have / set up / sign up for an account取得/拥有/开设/注册账户 to access / log onto your account进入/登录账户 on acˈcountto be paid for later赊账;挂账Can I buy the printer on account?我能赊账购买打印机吗?as part of the full amount you need to pay(先付部分款额的)赊账You could pay some of your tax bill on account.你可以延期支付部分税款。 adjustment account appropriation account approved account asset account bank account banking account books of account budget account call account call deposit account capital account cash account checking account cheque account client account contingency account contra account control account currency account current account custodial account debit account deposit account depreciation account discretionary account drawing account email account expense account external account foreign currency account income and expenditure account instant access account joint account key account margin account merchant account national account notice account NOW account numbered account on account open account profit and loss account public account revenue account sales account savings account statement of account suspense account T-account time account trading account unit of account





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