

单词 endorsement
释义 endorsement (NAmE spelling also indorsement) /ɪnˈdɔːsmənt; NAmE -ˈdɔːrs-/


[, ] a public statement or action showing that you support sb/sth; official approval of sth(公开的)赞同,支持,批准The chairman's comments were a ringing (= powerful) endorsement of the senior management team.董事长的意见是对高级管理团队的强大支持。The plan will now go to the bankruptcy court for endorsement.现在就将计划书提交破产法庭批准。 () a statement made in an advertisement, usually by sb famous or important, saying that they use and like a particular product or service(通常指名人在广告中对某产品或服务的)宣传,赞同They are looking for a celebrity endorsement (= one given by a famous person) of their new line of T-shirts.他们正在寻找一位名人来宣传新款 T 恤衫。She has signed an endorsement deal with Nike.她和耐克公司签订了一份广告宣传合同。 () the act of signing the back of a cheque or bill of exchange ; the signature and the words that are written背书(在支票或汇票背面签名的行为)The trader will transfer the bill of exchange to his bank through endorsement.贸易商通过背书将汇票转让给他的银行。 () conditions that are added to a standard insurance policy in order to make it apply to particular circumstances保险单附加条款This endorsement should be applied where the building to be insured is a farmhouse.如果所投保的建筑为农舍,则参照本保险单的附加条款。a policy endorsement保险单附加条款




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