

单词 fail
释义 fail /feɪl/


[] to not be successful in achieving sth失败;未能(做到)Their marketing strategy failed to increase sales.他们的营销策略未能增加销售额。They failed in their bid to buy the company.他们意欲收购这家公司的行动失败了。So far, negotiations have failed.到目前为止,谈判未果。 [] to not do sth未做;未履行(某事)She failed to keep the appointment.她未能赴约。They claim that the government has failed in its duties.他们声称政府失职。 [] (about a business) to be unable to continue(企业)破产,倒闭Statistics show that 80% of businesses fail within the first five years.统计显示有 80% 的企业在开业五年之内倒闭。a failing company一家濒临倒闭的公司 [] (about a machine or system) to stop working(机器或系统)出故障,失灵The idea is that if one part of the system fails, the others continue to run.这个构思是,如果系统的某部分出故障,其他部分也能继续运行。 [] to not pass a test or an exam; to decide that sb/sth has not passed a test or an exam(测验或考试)不及格;评定不及格She failed her professional exams.她专业考试不及格。190 units failed inspection last month.上个月有 190 件产品检验不合格。 OPP pass





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