

单词 go
释义 go /gəʊ; NAmE goʊ/


[] (goes /gəʊz; NAmE goʊz/, went /went/, gone /gɒn; NAmE gɔːn; gɑːn/) when money goes, it is spent or used for sth用于;花掉5% of the profits went on repairs.5% 的利润用于维修。I don't know where the money goes!我不知道钱都花到哪儿去了!to be sold被卖掉;被出售The firm went to an Italian group for €400m.这家公司以 4 亿欧元卖给了一个意大利集团。(about jobs, opportunities, etc.) to disappear or no longer exist(工作、机会等)消失,不复存在If the merger happens then 250 jobs will go.如果合并发生,那么 250 个职位将不复存在。 () be going to be available可得到;可买到There just aren't any jobs going in this area.在这个地区几乎找不到工作。(about a machine, an economy, etc.) to work or function properly(机器、经济等)运转,正常运转They're trying to get the economy going again.他们正设法使经济再次正常运转。to leave a place or an organization离开(某地或组织)The current chief executive has finally agreed to go (= to leave his job).现任总裁最终同意卸任。 (usually used with an adjective 通常与形容词连用) to become different in a particular way变成;变为;变得to go global/national走向国际/全国to go bankrupt破产We've gone from being a loss-maker to being a money-maker.我们已从亏损变成赢利。 Most idioms containing go are at the entries for the nouns, verbs or adjectives in the idioms, for example go from strength to strength is at strength.大多数含 go 的习语,都可在该习语中的名词、动词或形容词相关词条中找到,如 go from strength to strength 在词条 strength 下。go all ˈout for sth go all out to ˈdo sthto make a very great effort to get sth or do sth竭力获取某物;全力以赴做某事We continue to go all out to meet our own higher expectations.我们继续竭尽全力,以达到我们自己更高的期望。go it aˈloneto do sth without help from anyone单干;独自过活Andrew decided to go it alone and start his own business.安德鲁决定独自创业。go ˈplural () to leave an important job that you do for all the hours of the working week and take several less important jobs for shorter hours身兼数职 downshift go through the ˈroof(about prices, etc.) to rise or increase very quickly(价格等)上涨,暴涨House prices here have gone through the roof.这里房价已经暴涨。 ˌgo ˈafter sb/sthto try to get sb/sth追求某人;谋求某事(或某物)We're both going after the same job.我们俩都在申请同一份工作。ˌgo aˈheadto happen; to be done发生;进行The building of the new offices will go ahead as planned.新办公室的修建将按计划进行。 SYN proceed go-ahead ˌgo aˈhead (with sth)to begin to do sth, especially when sb has given permission or has expressed doubts or opposition(尤指经某人允许,或有人表示怀疑或反对后)开始做,着手干‘May I start now?’ ‘Yes, go ahead.’“我现在可以开始了吗?” “可以,开始吧。”ˌgo aˈlong with sb/sthto agree with sb/sth赞同某事;和某人观点一致I do not go along with his views on the EU.我不同意他在欧盟问题上的观点。ˌgo ˈdownto become lower or smaller下降;减少The price of oil is going down.石油价格正在下降。Oil is going down in price.石油正在跌价。   see note at increase to stop working temporarily暂停作业;暂停运行The system is going down in ten minutes.这个系统十分钟后要暂停运作。 crash ˈgo for sthto try hard to get or achieve sth努力争取某事物It sounds a great idea. Go for it!这个主意很不错。努力去实现吧!to choose sth; to be persuaded that sth is a good idea选择某物Shoppers are going for the cheap options.购物者选购着那些廉价的商品。ˌgo ˈforward (with sth)to continue with a plan, project, etc.继续(计划、项目等)Prices will rise if either of the deals goes forward.如果任何一笔交易继续进行,价格将上升。ˌgo ˈin with sb () to join sb in starting a business与某人合伙;与某人联合办企业My brothers are opening a garage and they want me to go in with them.我的几位兄弟要开办一个汽车修理厂,想让我和他们合伙干。ˌgo ˈinto sthto start working in a particular field or for a particular organization, especially in order to have a career in it进入某领域工作;加入某组织;从事某职业After graduating, she went into corporate law.她毕业后从事公司法务工作。to examine sth carefully仔细调查(或研究)某事We need to go into the question of costs.我们需要研究一下费用问题。(about money, time, effort, etc.) to be spent on sth or used to do sth(金钱、时间、精力等)投入某事,用于某事A lot of money has gone into the project.很多钱都投入到了这个工程上。ˌgo ˈover sthto examine or check sth carefully仔细检查(或审查)某事We went over the contract several times in case we had forgotten something.我们审查了几遍合同以防有所遗漏。ˌgo ˈthroughif a law, contract, etc. goes through, it is officially accepted or completed(法律、合同等正式)通过,接受,达成If both deals go through, Citibank would become the single largest shareholder.如果这两笔交易都谈成,花旗银行将成为唯一的最大股东。ˌgo ˈthrough sthto look at or examine sth carefully, especially in order to find sth仔细查看某事物;检查某事物;审查某事物She went through the company's accounts, looking for evidence of fraud.她仔细审查公司的账户,寻找诈骗的证据。to perform a series of actions; to follow a method or procedure执行某行动;实行某方法;履行某程序All new staff go through an orientation program.所有新员工都要参加上岗培训项目。to experience or suffer sth经历;遭受We are going through an economic downturn.我们正遭受经济衰退。ˌgo ˈthrough with sthto do what is necessary to complete a course of action, especially one that is difficult or unpleasant完成(或做完)艰难(或令人不快)的事They decided not to go through with the planned merger.他们决定不进行计划中的合并。ˈgo to sb/sthto be given to sb/sth由…得到;被授予某人All the proceeds from the concert (= the money received from selling tickets, etc.) will go to charity.音乐会所有的收入将捐赠给慈善事业。ˈgo towards sthto be used as part of the payment for sth用于支付…的部分款项;作为对…的部分付款The money will go towards developing the business.这笔钱将用于发展业务。ˌgo ˈunder () to become bankrupt (= be unable to pay what you owe) 破产The firm will go under unless business improves.生意若无起色,这家公司将会破产。   see note at bankrupt ˌgo ˈupto become higher or larger上涨;上升The price of cigarettes is going up.香烟价格在上涨。Cigarettes are going up in price.香烟在涨价。   see note at increase to be built被兴建;被建造New offices buildings are going up everywhere.各处都在兴建新办公楼。ˈgo with sthto be included with or as part of sth是…的一部分;附属于A car goes with the job.这个工作配有一辆汽车。to accept or choose sth, for example a plan or an offer同意;接受(某事物)You're offering $5 000? I think we can go with that.你出价 5 000 元?我想我们可以接受。 go-go pay-as-you-go stop-go





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