

单词 guar.
释义 guarantee /ˌgærənˈtiː/


( guar.)

[, ] a written promise given by a company that sth you buy will be replaced or repaired without payment if it goes wrong within a particular period保修单;保用证书We provide a 5-year guarantee against manufacturing faults.我们对生产缺陷提供 5 年保修。The watch is still under guarantee.这只手表仍然在保修期内。The television comes with a year's guarantee.这台电视机有一年的保修期。a money-back guarantee退货保证 SYN warranty to offer / provide a guarantee提供保修 sth carries / comes with / has a guarantee某物有保修单 (; ) [, ] ( ˈguaranty) money or sth valuable that you give or promise to a bank, for example, to make sure that you will pay back money that you borrow保证金;抵押品We had to offer our house as a guarantee when getting the loan.我们在贷款时不得不用房子作抵押。guarantees against bad loans坏账保证金 collateral to give / offer / provide (sth as) a guarantee拿出/提出/提供(某物作为)抵押品 (; ) ( ˈguaranty) [] an agreement to be legally responsible for sth, especially for paying sb's debts if they cannot pay them保证;担保The airline is seeking government loan guarantees of $1.8 billion to avoid bankruptcy.这家航空公司正在寻求 18 亿元的政府贷款担保以避免破产。to give / provide a guarantee给予/提供担保 to get / seek a guarantee获得/寻求担保 [] a firm promise that you will do sth or that sth will happen保证;担保He wanted written guarantees of the package before accepting.他要求得到这批货物的书面担保后才接收。They have given a guarantee that the business will not be sold.他们已保证不会出售企业。to give / offer / provide a guarantee给出/提出/提供保证 to ask for / get / want a guarantee要求/得到/想要保证 bank guarantee company limited by guarantee cross-guarantee export credit guarantee money-back guarantee





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