

单词 handling
释义 handling /ˈhændlɪŋ/


[] () the act or cost of storing, packing and moving goods仓贮(包装、搬运)货物;仓贮(包装、搬运)费a $2 charge for postage and handling2 元邮费及手续费moves to cut handling costs削减贮运成本的措施The company plans to sell its handling division.公司计划出售其贮运部门的业务。 SYN carriage () handling charges / costs / expenses / fees手续费 a handling agent / company贮运代理/公司 () the cost of dealing with an order, booking tickets, etc.手续费There is a small handling charge for advance bookings.预订须支付一笔小额的手续费。the way that sb deals with a situation应付(方式);处理(方式)I was impressed by his handling of the recent buy-out.他对最近一次收购的处理方式给我留下了深刻印象。assured / careful / firm / poor handling有信心的/细心的/坚定的/拙劣的处理方式 the act of touching, carrying or moving sth触摸;运送;搬运products that can stand up to rough handling能够经受碰撞装卸的产品baggage handling行李装卸In the manufacturing industries heavy materials handling is often done by robots.在制造行业,重型材料的装卸常常是由机器人来进行的。baggage / food / materials handling行李/食品/材料装卸 careful / rough handling小心/碰撞装卸 () the activities of storing, moving, and processing data; the ability to do this资料处理;数据处理能力the process of dealing with sth处理(某事的过程)the firm's cash handling operations企业的现金处理业务The airport has limited passenger handling facilities.机场的旅客接待设施十分有限。 cargo handling manual handling materials handling shipping and handling




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