

单词 line
释义 line /laɪn/


[] a type of product made or sold by the same company(同一家公司生产或销售的产品)种类,类型,系列We sell an exclusive line of children's clothing.我们独家销售一个系列的儿童服装。Dell has recently moved to expand its line of products.戴尔最近提出扩大其产品种类。 SYN range [] a system of making sth in a factory, in which the product moves from one worker to the next until it is finished生产线;流水线A new car rolled off the line every 49 seconds.生产线每 49 秒生产出一辆新车。teams of line workers成组的流水线工人 [] a telephone connection; a particular telephone number电话线路;电话号码If you hold the line (= stay on the telephone and wait), I'll see if she is available.如果你不挂断电话,我可以去看看她在不在。Your bill includes line rental.你的账单包括电话线路的租用费。 helpline , hotline [, ] a series of people in order of importance一系列按重要性排列的人a line of command一系列根据职务层级排列的指挥人员He is second in line to the chairman.他的地位仅次于主席。Orders came down the line from the very top.命令从最高领导人逐级传达下来。 line manager [] a type or area of business, activity or interest行业;活动范围;兴趣类型My line of work pays pretty well.我的工作报酬颇丰厚。 sideline [] a supply of sth such as credit额度The company has already put in place new lines of credit to cover about $100 m.这公司已落实到位的新的信贷额度大约为 1 亿元。 [] ()


queue (1,2) [] (often used in names) a company that provides transport for people or goods(常用于名称)运输公司,航运公司The two cruise lines said they remained confident of success.两家游轮公司表示他们仍然有信心取得成功。 airline () [] a number or group of a particular share, bond, etc.若干,一批(股票、债券等)a line of 1.9 m shares一批 190 万股的股票 be, come, etc. on ˈlineto start to operate; to become available开始运作;可用的The new working methods will come on line in June.新的操作方法将于六月份开始采用。using or connected to a computer or the Internet; communicating with other people by computer使用电脑的;用电脑交流的;线上的;上网的All our offices are now on line.我们所有的办公室现在都上网。 online be in the line of ˈfireto be in a position where people can criticize or blame you遭到非难bring sb/sth, come, get, fall, etc. into ˈline (with sb/sth)to behave or make sb/sth behave in the same way as other people or how they should behave使一致;使规范;使符合;和…一致We need to bring capacity into line with demand.我们需要使产能和需求保持一致。in ˈlineunder control or at an appropriate or expected level控制或协调至合适的或预期的水平It takes some time for a big company to get expenses in line.大公司控制开支需要时间。in ˈline (for sth)likely to get sth有可能获得某物She is in line for promotion.她有可能得到晋升。in ˈline with sthsimilar to sth or so that one thing is closely connected with another与…相似(或紧密相连)Annual pay increases will be in line with inflation.每年的工资增长幅度将与通胀挂钩。(put sth) on the ˈline () at risk冒风险The proposed cutbacks have put 5 000 jobs on the line.建议中的削减计划使 5 000 人面临着失业的风险。toe the ˈline (NAmE also toe the ˈmark) to do what sb in authority tells or orders you to do, even if you do not think it is right严守规则;服从命令;履行职责   idiom at cross , firing line , lay , out , sign verb above-the-line assembly line below-the-line bottom line credit line dotted line firing line fixed line front line front-line in-line load line old-line picket line production line product line reporting line subject line tag line top line top-of-the-line trend line unemployment line




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