

单词 majority
释义 majority /məˈdʒɒrəti; NAmE -ˈdʒɔːr-; -ˈdʒɑːr-/


( majorities) [] the largest part of a group of people or things大多数The vast majority of people interviewed said they were happy in their jobs.受采访的绝大多数人声称他们在工作中感到愉快。The majority was/were in favour of the proposal.大多数人赞成这个建议。Export orders now account for the majority of our sales.目前出口订单占我们销售额的大部分。Women are in a/the majority in the Kenyan coffee and tea industries.在肯尼亚咖啡和茶叶行业中妇女占多数。 OPP minority [] the number of votes by which one side in an election, a discussion, etc. wins多数票The court decided by a majority of five to two to reject the claim.法庭以五比二的多数决定驳回该诉求。The resolution was carried by a huge majority.该决议以压倒性多数票获通过。a majority vote/decision多数票/人作出的决议 [] (usually used as an adjective 通常用作形容词) used to describe a group of shares that is more than half of the total number of shares in a company, or sb who owns this amount多数股权;控股股东They are seeking buyers for a majority stake in their Australian operation.他们正在寻找购买他们澳大利亚公司多数股权的买主。a majority shareholder控股股东The group is majority-owned by Anglo American.这个集团由英裔美国人控股。 minority (2) a majority control / holding / investment / share / stake控股权;多数股权;多数股投资;多数股份;多数股权 a majority investor / owner / shareholder控股投资人/所有者/股东 early majority late majority




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