

单词 quality
释义 quality /ˈkwɒləti; NAmE ˈkwɑːl-/


( qualities) [, ] the standard of sth when it is compared to other things like it; how good or bad sth is质量;品质There has been a decline in quality.质量已下降。 We only sell goods of a high quality我们只销售优质商品。When costs are cut, product quality sometimes suffers.成本被削减时,产品质量有时会受到影响。His job is to monitor quality and ensure it is up to our high standards.他的工作就是监督质量并保证达到我们的高标准。 quality control be of (a) good / high / top quality质量好/高/上乘 low / poor / varying quality低/劣/不同的质量 quality declines / improves / suffers质量下降/提高/受影响 [] a high standard优质;上乘;高标准We aim to provide quality at reasonable prices.我们的目标是质量上乘、价格合理。The company has a reputation for quality and value.这家公司以质量和价值享有盛誉。 [] a thing that is part of a person's character, especially sth good(尤指好的)人品,品德,素质He has leadership qualities.他有领导素质。It's hard to find people with the right qualities for the job.难以找到胜任这份工作的人。 [] a feature or aspect of sth, often one that makes it different from sth else特征;特色;特质The quality that distinguishes our product from the competition is its lightness.轻巧是我们的产品有别于竞争者产品的特征。 credit quality fair average quality





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