

单词 call
释义 call /kɔːl/


[] to telephone sb给(某人)打电话You can call him on his cellphone.你可以给他的手机打电话。I called the office to tell them I'd be late.我给办公室打电话,告诉他们我可能会晚到一会儿。 [] () call (on sb/in) to make a short visit to a person or place短暂访问I was out when the sales rep called.销售代表来拜访时,我不在家。 [] to order sth to happen; to announce that sth will happen下令开始;宣布进行I've called a meeting of the management team to try to resolve the problem.我召集管理团队开会,试图解决这个问题。The union has called a national strike.工会已呼吁进行全国罢工。   see note at arrange [] to predict what will happen to sth预测;预示She believes that analysts have called the bottom of the market (= predicted that the prices of shares, etc. will begin to rise) too early.她认为分析员预测市场已达到谷底还为时过早。 [] (often be called) to order sb to come to a place召唤某人至某处Several candidates were called for a second interview.有几位应征者得到通知去参加第二次面试。 () [] call sth (back/in) to demand that sb immediately pays back the money they owe要求(某人)还款The bank has threatened to call a €460 million loan.银行扬言要立即收回 4.60 亿欧元的贷款。 () [] call a bond | call in a bond to pay back the money that was borrowed with a bond收兑债券;归还债券款The bond can be called after five years for a price of $1 100.这债券可以在五年后以 1 100 元的价格收兑。 () [] to require sb to give evidence to a court or to government officials传唤(某人出庭或向政府官员)作证to call a witness传唤证人 ˌcall (sb) colˈlect () to make a telephone call which is paid for by the person that you are telephoning用对方付费方式打电话 reverse-charge call in the reˈceiversto appoint an independent person to manage the financial affairs of a business because it is unable to pay its debts委派独立接管人(管理破产企业的财务)The company has called in the receivers after losing the support of its bankers.公司在失去其银行支持后已安排独立接管人管理财务。call sb/sth to ˈorderto ask people in a meeting to be quiet so that the meeting can start or continue(会议中)要求某人保持安静ˌcall the ˈshots/ˈtune () to be the person who controls a situation定调子;发号施令;操盘   idiom at play noun, question noun ˌcall ˈbackto visit sb again for a particular purpose再次拜访(某人)I'll call back for your order this evening.我今晚将为订单一事再次拜访你。ˌcall ˈback ˌcall sb ˈbackto telephone sb again or to telephone sb who telephoned you earlier再给某人打电话;给某人回电话ˈcall for sth ˈcall for sb to do sthto publicly ask for sth to happen; to need sth公开要求;需要The business plan calls for further cost reductions.这商业计划要求进一步降低成本。ˌcall ˈinto telephone a place, especially the place where you work电话叫入;打电话到(工作单位)Several people have called in sick today.今天有好几个人打电话来请病假。ˌcall sb ˈinto ask for the services of sb召来,叫来某人(提供服务)We called in Ernst & Young as consultants.我们请了安永国际会计公司作顾问。ˌcall sth ˈin
() to order or ask for the return of sth下令召回某物;要求退回某物Cars with serious faults have been called in by the manufacturers.存在严重缺陷的汽车已被制造商收回。 SYN recall
ˌcall sth ˈoffto cancel sth; to decide that sth will not happen取消;停止进行The deal was called off after the buyer reduced its offer.买方降低报价后交易被中止。   see note at postpone ˈcall on sb ( ˈcall upon sb, formal ) to ask or demand that sb do sth请求,要求(某人做某事)The unions have called on government to support their demands.工会请求政府支持他们的要求。to visit sb for a short time短暂拜访某人Her job is to call on schools to talk to teachers about the material.她的工作就是拜访学校,和老师谈材料的事。 ( ˈcall upon sb, formal ) to formally invite or ask sb to speak邀请,要求(某人讲话)I now call upon the chairman to address the meeting.我现在邀请主席在会上讲话。ˌcall ˈup ˌcall sb ˈupto telephone sb打电话给某人ˌcall sth ˈupto use sth that is stored or kept available调用;调出(备用的东西)I called up his address on the computer.我从计算机里调出了他的地址。





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